Eau de Parfum opulence musk
50 ml
Чуттєвий і витончений, Opulence Musk звертається до теми тілесності та відчуття себе в просторі. Щоб створити відчуття піщинки у Всесвіті, він майстерно переносить в атмосферу, де в нічному небі спалахують зірки, беззвучно падають у траву духмяні квіти ілангу, океан ніжно шепоче таємні послання, і все, що є зараз, ― лише ви та безкінечність.
Opulence Musk сидить дуже близько до шкіри, проте залишає димний шлейф. Теплим нічним вітром він ніжно торкається ключиць і стегон, розвіває волосся, несе аромати кохання: за це відповідають сповнена сяйва амбра й боби тонка в обрамленні жасминових пелюсток, ілангу та мускусу.
Ще мить ― і ви між небом і землею.
for body
for her
50 ml
alcohol denat,
alpha-isomethyl ionone,
benzyl benzoate,
benzyl salicylate,
hexyl cinnamal,
(from French – Openness of musk)
” OPULENCE Musk ” & ndash; is that pure soundingthat enhances true curiosity, genuine trust, and openness to new feelings.
A living, vibrating energy is able to unite and re-acquaint all different but so close people. If the openness is mutual …
After slipping out of the bottle, to give sensuality and warmth to the touch. To add velvet to the voice. Embrace the space with the mystery of its game – from barely noticeable halftones to a persistent seductive sound.
And what if to allow the scent to become your own? To open the windows and present it with the sun’s rays in your space. Or to lose the willpower and introduce itto the warmth of your skin …
” OPULENCE Musk ” loves openness. At first, it modestly shows its saffron grooming and delicacy of cinnamon notes. Then its heart beats with exquisite floral chords. And after & ndash; it will comprehensively fill the territory with its sparkling musky purity. Transforming space centimeter by centimeter, making it your own, intimate …
And each time differently, and each time painting out all the new nuances.
Simplicity that mesmerizes. After all, a true beauty is hidden in the details.
(from French – Openness of musk)
” OPULENCE Musk ” & ndash; is that pure soundingthat enhances true curiosity, genuine trust, and openness to new feelings.
A living, vibrating energy is able to unite and re-acquaint all different but so close people. If the openness is mutual …
After slipping out of the bottle, to give sensuality and warmth to the touch. To add velvet to the voice. Embrace the space with the mystery of its game – from barely noticeable halftones to a persistent seductive sound.
And what if to allow the scent to become your own? To open the windows and present it with the sun’s rays in your space. Or to lose the willpower and introduce itto the warmth of your skin …
” OPULENCE Musk ” loves openness. At first, it modestly shows its saffron grooming and delicacy of cinnamon notes. Then its heart beats with exquisite floral chords. And after & ndash; it will comprehensively fill the territory with its sparkling musky purity. Transforming space centimeter by centimeter, making it your own, intimate …
And each time differently, and each time painting out all the new nuances.
Simplicity that mesmerizes. After all, a true beauty is hidden in the details.
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50 ml
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